As a company that puts together video content programs for businesses, we watch A TON of videos. Webinars, case studies, snap chat stories, you name it, we watch it. And lots of it. But while everyone is talking about the latest technology, they aren’t talking about the biggest and latest content marketing trend; documenting.

If you pay close attention, some of the best and most popular content creators are documenting their every move. Whether  its a YouTube sensation like Casey Neistat, (He recently stopped  his daily vlog to sell his company for a bunch of money to CNN.) or a X Games athlete documenting his life like Jon Olsson, more and more people are showcasing their entire lives in front of a screen. The question is, why aren’t brands doing this ?

In our latest podcast, Phil and I tackle the whole premise of what it means to create and document.

Some of the questions we ask and answer: