We’ve all heard and seen the type of videos and content that brands like Red Bull and Marriot have put together. But here’s the thing, their budgets are so big, they can afford to swing and miss a few times. Smaller companies don’t have that luxury. They have to create lots of memorable content and maximize every penny they spend. Here are a few of our favorite small and medium sized businesses that leverage the power of video on social media to tell amazing stories.
[mk_fancy_title tag_name=”h2″ style=”true” color=”#393836″ size=”20″ font_weight=”inhert” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”6″ font_family=”none” align=”left”]Dana Linn Bailey and Rob Bailey[/mk_fancy_title]
We had to put this duo on the list instead of their companies, because they have so freaking many of them! The Warhouse Gym, Flag nor Fail, Run Everything Labs, the list keeps going. If you didn’t know, Dana Linn Bailey is one of the most recognizable names in the fitness industry. She and her husband have leveraged that notoriety and turned it into a small empire. They do it by working incredibly hard and keeping the cameras rolling all day, every day. They’ve put together monthly workout routines, showcased the build of a car in the garage, and even documented a road trip in a renovated RV. Perhaps one of the reasons their content is so successful, is because they are very “real.” In other words what you see is what you get, and fans, can’t get enough.
I have to be honest, I don’t know a ton about their story. I actually just stumbled on them by clicking on a hashtag on Instagram and fell in love with their images and storytelling. (Well I guess there’s a reason to be on social media.) NS Builders is a Boston based home building and remodeling company and from what I’ve seen so far, they look busy! From following them only a short time on Instagram and YouTube, they create a ton of content about the job sites they are on. The owner, Nick Schiffer, also seems to do a lot of blogging on design sites like Fine Home Building and Houzz. On Instagram, they are also one of the few brands that utilizes “stories” well. Always keeping you up to date with what they are doing, even when it is their own home!
We had to throw New York Bully Crew onto our list for two reasons. 1. We wanted to show that a non-profit can also utilize content marketing and 2. we are a little nuts when it comes to dogs. New York Bully Crew is a New York based rescue organization that focuses on Bully breed dogs. Over the years, they have built up an enormous, cult like following that spans across the country. They take viewers on rescue missions and provide updates on the dogs as the rehabilitate and find them homes. One thing that NYBC does really well is re-purpose content. Their Snapchats end up on Instagram. Their Instagram posts are strung together and posted on YouTube, etc. Here is a great example of stringing cell phone video together with professional video to tell an awesome story. (Grab a box of tissues before you watch.)
I have to start off by saying that yes I am a huge “Shark Tank” fan. I was first introduced to Tower Paddle Boards by seeing their pitch in the tank. From there, I’ve been hooked on their content. I’ve followed them on various social channels, subscribed to their newsletter, etc.. They recently took their content to the next level by launching a digital magazine called, “Tower Magazine.” The focus is all about adventure seeking which caters directly to their target audience. Their videos do the exact same thing. You’re always likely to see aerial footage from a drone or an action shot from a GoPro mounted to a board. All of that is on full display in their “Surfing dogs” video.
Their content isn’t for everyone, and they love it that way. Chubbies is the company leading the charge in short shorts for guys. They’ve done so well, that they’ve expanded their line and grown their team. They way they’ve done it, is through social buzz and content marketing. They live on Snapchat and do a phenomenal job with original video creation that is directly aimed at their target market: the bros!