Snapchat’s Users (and Executives) are Disappearing

Once the darling of marketers and users alike, Snapchat continues to find itself in troubled waters. On Tuesday, Snapchat announced that Chief Strategy Officer Imran Khan would be leaving the company. Executives come and go, but Khan joins a growing list of power players to say goodbye to Snap in the past year. As the […]
What you can learn from Major League Baseball’s marketing problem

As our name would suggest, we’re baseball enthusiasts here. With Phil growing up in New York and me right here in Boston, it’s made for some interesting conversations in the office over the years. However recently, our debates have morphed from who’s team is better to major league baseball’s marketing problem. This article from Sports […]
Power Hitters Episode 4 – Flow Yoga

Beth Manning says that when she first discovered yoga, she found healing in the process. Yoga helped her through a rough patch in her own life, and helped her find inner peace. When she founded Flow Yoga, she hoped to be able to build a space, and a community, for others to find what they […]
Video Production for Social – One Video, One Million Platforms

Being a marketer in 2018 is no easy job. Being a marketer in 2018 tasked with managing video production for social media is even more difficult. You need to consider every platform every single day. And by the way, there’s a new social platform making headlines just about every single day. One of the biggest […]
What you can learn from Facebook’s apology ads

Unless you’ve been living under a rock the last few months, you know Facebook has been in the news quite a bit lately. I seems like every day a new headline is being made. From the Cambridge Analytica scandal to asking advertisers for social security numbers, the platform has been dominating national news cycles for a few […]
Creating Branded Content at Scale with Adobe Spark – Create Smarter

Being responsible for a content calendar is a constant uphill climb. Every channel you manage demands more and more content all the time. This requires advanced planning, research, know-how, and lots and lots of time. On top of all of this, branded content has to be really thoughtful in how it’s created and presented. This […]
Turn Your Smartphone into a Video Production Machine

There’s a time and place for a wide range of end products when it comes to corporate video production. Sometimes you need to bring in the big guns to help create a really professional final product, but in other cases quick and dirty video production can do just fine. For most companies, a large-scale production […]
Dealing with Content Overload

One topic seems to keep coming up again and again for us here at 5 Tool Productions: Content Overload. Everywhere we look, whether it’s in-depth breakdowns of years-long trends from industry experts, updates to the Facebook algorithm, or 2018 trends, this just keeps coming up. At its core, it’s a simple question of supply and […]
The Pivot to Video is Killing Media Companies

This time of year, I always find myself reading trends for the upcoming year. Most of them say the exact same thing as the year before. However, there are a few that really stand out. One point in one articular really stood out. In e-Marketer’s recent post, the author ends with a final “trend for the […]
What my 2 year old son has taught me about YouTube

If you’re a parent of a toddler, you’ve been there. You’re out to eat and your little one decides, “I’m done.” They want absolutely nothing to do with being buckled in that wooden chair and they are about three seconds away from having a major meltdown. You try calming them down with everything you can […]