Hands-On With the BlackMagic ATEM Television Studio

We had the chance to get down to New York for the NAB Show, East Version, this year. There were tons of great brands there, and no shortage of video production toys to play with, but hands-down the biggest presence at the show belonged to BlackMagic. They were front and center at the main entrance, […]
Being Prepared for the Boom

If it can go wrong, it will go wrong. It sounds pessimistic, but if you work in live TV or broadcasting these are words to live by. The phrase isn’t used to inspire fear among the ranks; it’s a handy reminder that there are always going to be things beyond your control. Sometimes the best […]
Using a Live Switcher to Make Your Event Production More Efficient

If you manage events for your company, you probably already know that creating content at those events is a must. Events and conferences are a golden opportunity to showcase your thought leaders. Your most engaged audience is all in one place at one time, and they’re all in the right mindset to be talking about […]
Five Ways to Maximize Your Event Production

Producing an event for your company is a huge task. Booking venues, working with A/V teams, coordinating speakers, ordering food, planning your content, promoting the event – the list goes on and on. If you’re putting forth all of this effort, you should also have an event production plan to ensure that your event lives […]
Turning a webinar into a news show

If you’ve ever logged onto a webinar, I feel your pain. There’s really nothing worse than listening to a voice on a speakerphone talk through 100 slides in a PowerPoint presentation. You’re probably barely paying attention to it while it plays in the background. It’s these reasons why brands are looking to up their game […]
Should you be hosting webinars on Facebook Live?

A little over a week ago, Facebook rolled out screen sharing for it’s Live platform. You would’ve had to use another piece of software to do this in the past, but now a simple extension makes it pretty simple. This feature has been available for quite some time in Google Hangouts and it’s very similar. […]
Facebook’s new platform could be huge for content marketers

A little less that two months ago, Facebook launched a new platform called Watch. On the surface it looks like a place for users to discover videos, which it is. But dig a little deeper and you’ll see what could be the next big thing in content marketing – “Shows.” While this feature is only […]
Letting Go of the Reins with Live Content

We get it; going live can be scary. There’s a million things that can go wrong – from internet connectivity issues, to talent not being prepared, to the shots not being exactly how you want them – every time you start a live broadcast. But that authenticity is what makes live broadcasts special to viewers. […]
Four Tips to Make Your Event Live on Forever

If you’ve ever planned an event, you know what a massive undertaking it can be. From booking speakers, to a/v, to catering, to exhibitors, and beyond – the list of things to coordinate and pay for goes on and on. Putting on an event is a massive investment of time and money, and it’s for […]
Live From Santa Clara!

5 Tool Productions is on the road this week, filming and live-streaming sessions from SNIA’s 2016 Storage Developer’s Conference. https://www.instagram.com/p/BKlqfyJj5Yj/