The Importance of Brand Cohesion

What does the word “brand” mean to you?  If a logo and color palette are the first things that come to mind, you might be coming at it from the wrong angle. Your brand is about so much more than just something a graphic designer spun up for you.  It’s about personality, voice, tone, consistency, and […]

Getting More Out of Your Video Content

No matter who you are, whether you’re a production company like we are, or a marketing manager at a corporation, you should be thinking about how to get the most bang for your buck from a video shoot. It’s a pillar of our work to always try to break the mindset that one video shoot […]

Power Hitters Episode 3 – NS Builders

When we started filming our new series, Power Hitters, we knew we wanted to talk to individuals and business owners that were leveraging the power of social media to grow their business. What we didn’t realize, is that we would get an education on not only content marketing, but how to run and grow a business […]

Instagram vs. Snapchat – Who’s Winning the War?

When Instagram announced the addition of stories last August, there was no doubting the motivations behind the move.  By adding a feature that was essentially a carbon copy of Snapchat’s stories, Instagram was taking aim directly at one of its largest, and only real, threats for users’ attention.  The Instagram vs. Snapchat war was officially […]

Power Hitters Episode 2 – Maca Boston

Anyone that has ever dreamed about starting a business knows its incredibly exciting but absolutely horrifying at the same time. That’s why sometimes the safest bet is to start it on the side. It might take a little longer, but if you’re in it for the long haul, it just might be the safest way […]

Is internal content more important than external content?

We’ve been talking about content marketing on the blog, podcasts, and basically every waking moment of our lives for sometimes. (I mean, it is the business we’re in, so what would you expect?) There is one thing we haven’t quite hit on, however, that is extremely important – internal content. This post might not make […]

Making the Case for More Video

In a recent post, we talked about creating video for a mobile world.  The topic of making the case for more video, or more rich media content in general, falls in the same neighborhood, if not the same house as that post.  Having a broad grasp of the digital media landscape and the way content […]

Creating Video For a Mobile World

It’s no secret that mobile devices have taken over the world. Your own day-to-day experiences should be enough to prove this point to you, but if that doesn’t hammer it home every possible metric in the world tracking this data will. Despite the knowledge that mobile is king, many marketers are still not thinking about […]

One video shoot creates multiple pieces of content

One of the big things that we are always preaching to clients is to stop wasting content and get the most out of each and every video shoot. Heck, it’s even one of the main slides in our company overview: While we definitely like to promote that slide, we figure we might be better off showing you […]

Consistency is the key to your content marketing program

If you were to take a look at our blog roll, you’d notice that from the beginning, we’ve had a pretty regular cadence for publishing content. Well, at least until the last month. Like just about every company out there, we let our blog get away from us a bit. Our last post was a […]