I recently had the opportunity to host an event that was all about content automation and the typical fight that ensues between sales and marketing teams. During the conversation, one of the guests brought up a story about how his team was so happy to hear that one of their clients only wanted a small amount of good content rather than a lot of crap/bad content. This struck me as a little odd and makes me wonder, is it really either/or?
Phil and I sat down to break down the idea of good content vs. lots of content.
What we came up with was pretty simple, don’t post content for the sake of posting content. And if you do have good content, don’t stop. The best way to cut the the clutter of a lot of junk, is to create something that’s memorable. While you should be happy with a video or blog that’s done well, you shouldn’t sit back on your laurels. Go out there and do it again! You should be chomping at the bit to duplicate your success.
To wrap this up, it really isn’t an either/or when it comes to good content vs. lots of content. Its more about good vs. bad. And if you have the resources to create lots of good, do it.