Traveling with 5Tool Productions



Connor interviewing Joe Andruzzi in Freeport, ME.

At 5 Tool Productions, we are always prepared to travel for a shoot. Over the past year, we have traveled to several different cities and states across New England, and across the country. These include New Hampshire, Maine, New York, New Jersey, Chicago, and Florida. Whether by driving or flying, 5 Tool Productions will get to where we need to be to execute a shoot.

Overall within the past month, I had the chance to go to Maine for a project with the Joe Andruzzi Foundation, and New York for a conference with ONUG. Both of these experiences were excellent for me to be a part of. I learned the many different aspects of a work trip.

Freeport, Maine


Connor talking with Noah in Freeport, ME

Connor and I traveled to Freeport, Maine to film a feature story for the Joe Andruzzi Foundation’s 15th Annual Gala. We filmed multiple interviews with Noah Hoffman, a pediatric gastroenterologist, and Joe Andruzzi himself. The final product played on the screens at the Putnam Club in Gillette Stadium in front of a few hundred people at the gala. It was cool to see our work come together in front of a big audience!

The driving force of the video was to tell the story about how Noah inspired Joe to work on such important work. It all began with a phone call, which was planned because both Noah and Joe both had the same diagnosis at the time, 15 years ago. We also captured b-roll of our Noah and Joe greeting each other for the first time in years to use as transition points in the video. The drive through Maine to Boston was one of my favorite parts of the trip, as the view was gorgeous.

New York, New York


The Main Stage for ONUG’s conference in New York City.

While we were at the conference in New York City, Tyler, Kyle, Michelle, Brooklyn, and myself from the team drove down and live streamed every speaker to a virtual audience. Although we were stationed at the main stage, we also had 4 other stations throughout the conference where we individually live streamed different panel discussions and sessions with speakers.

New York is one of my favorite places to visit, so being able to work in the city was surreal. One of the most fascinating things from the trip was being able to walk to the conference from our hotel.

Leaving our Home Base

There are many aspects to traveling that you have to think about. Having to pack, being unfamiliar with an area, and even triple checking equipment are just a few of the topics we have to think of when traveling.

It was tricky to plan out which outfits to wear during the trip, and how many extra clothes to pack as well. New York City certainly can be a confusing area to navigate, and each night it took some walking around to decide where to get dinner. Triple checking equipment is important because we did not want to leave New York missing any gear.

Fortunately, 5 Tool Productions always stays on top of these different kinds of possible issues, and we make sure to prepare for anything and expect the unexpected. Both of the recent work trips that I have been a part of are great learning experiences, and I cannot wait for the next one.

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