Using Text Overlays on Your Social Videos

We talk a lot about the importance of creating a high volume of high quality content on this blog. And no matter what, generating good rich media that ties into your brand’s key messages, and doing it at a consistent clip is vital. But there’s more to getting your content seen, and engaged with, than […]
How to boost a post on Facebook

How often have you clicked the “Boost Post” button on Facebook thinking you are reaching the masses? While you might be giving your content a much needed jolt, you could be doing it better. Here is a look at how you can target more relative prospects with your Facebook ads. When you hit the “boost” […]
Should you be hosting webinars on Facebook Live?

A little over a week ago, Facebook rolled out screen sharing for it’s Live platform. You would’ve had to use another piece of software to do this in the past, but now a simple extension makes it pretty simple. This feature has been available for quite some time in Google Hangouts and it’s very similar. […]
Letting Go of the Reins with Live Content

We get it; going live can be scary. There’s a million things that can go wrong – from internet connectivity issues, to talent not being prepared, to the shots not being exactly how you want them – every time you start a live broadcast. But that authenticity is what makes live broadcasts special to viewers. […]
Power Hitters Episode 3 – NS Builders

When we started filming our new series, Power Hitters, we knew we wanted to talk to individuals and business owners that were leveraging the power of social media to grow their business. What we didn’t realize, is that we would get an education on not only content marketing, but how to run and grow a business […]
Instagram vs. Snapchat – Who’s Winning the War?

When Instagram announced the addition of stories last August, there was no doubting the motivations behind the move. By adding a feature that was essentially a carbon copy of Snapchat’s stories, Instagram was taking aim directly at one of its largest, and only real, threats for users’ attention. The Instagram vs. Snapchat war was officially […]
Power Hitters Episode 2 – Maca Boston

Anyone that has ever dreamed about starting a business knows its incredibly exciting but absolutely horrifying at the same time. That’s why sometimes the safest bet is to start it on the side. It might take a little longer, but if you’re in it for the long haul, it just might be the safest way […]
Introducing Our New Series, “Power Hitters”

Incredibly excited to roll out our newest video series, “Power Hitters.” We’ll be talking with business owners, content creators, and marketing experts who are absolutely killing it on social media. For our first episode, we met up with bodybuilder, Stephan Cawley. Stephan started with just a few friends following him on Instagram and but turned […]
Stop trying to be trendy! – Video Podcast

Running man challenge, mannequin challenge, planking, just stop trying to be trendy with your content! That is unless you’re going to make it bigger and better than ever. It feels like every time we see a new trend out there, the latest being the mannequin challenge, brands tend to be the last ones to jump […]
The Death of Vine and the Future of Online Video

Back in October, Twitter announced it was shuttering Vine, the 6-second looping video app responsible for some of the internet’s greatest ADD masterpieces. Twitter purchased Vine about four years ago for $30 million, and at first things were going great. It was the shiny new toy in the world of online video, and casual users […]