Create Smarter Podcast – Bop or Flop: Marketing Takes Guts

Create Smarter Podcast – Bop or Flop: Marketing Takes Guts This time on the Create Smarter Podcast, Bop or Flop is back with a festive and spooky twist! Join Brooklyn, Marisa and Kyle as they explore the do’s and don’ts of holiday based marketing. Marisa even gets the chance to be a test subject in […]
Create Smarter Podcast – Marketing Techniques: Bop or Flop?

Create Smarter Podcast – Marketing Techniques: Bop or Flop? Have you ever seen a marketing technique, trailer, or ad that truly stuck with you? Or one that was so bad it stood out even more? Well, in this episode of the Create Smarter Podcast, Brooklyn puts Marisa and Kyle to the test to see […]
Create Smarter Podcast – What Brands Can Learn from College Sports

Create Smarter Podcast – What Brands Can Learn From College Sports Join Tyler and Kyle as they talk about how companies, brands, and organizations can learn from College Sports. Listen to the boys talk about Deion Sanders’ new initiative at Colorado, the impact of announcements on social media, utilizing your company’s reach, ad more! Watch […]
Why your company needs reviews and what you can do with them

I know you’re going to be busy the next few days busy restocking shelves and board-folding every t-shirt on the display tree this weekend during black Friday and small business Saturday. But right after you make a customer’s day and check them out, there is one more thing you should do, ask them for a […]
Power Hitters – How Jay Hajj Built Mike’s City Diner

Have just one conversation with Jay Hajj and you’ll realize he’s as down to earth as he is inspiring. If he looks familiar, that’s because you’ve probably seen him on the Food Network with Guy Fierri, read his cookbook, or tasted one of his meals at Mike’s City Diner. Our latest Power Hitters segment […]
Reddit surpasses 1 billion views a month

When Facebook rolled out its own native video platform back in 2014, plenty of people scoffed at the idea of the social media giant having the ability to challenge YouTube. Now it seems as if every possible social media platform has some of native video player. Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn have all made the move and […]
Examples of personalized marketing

Personalization from a brand isn’t something new. It is, however, something that many brands absolutely suck at. For that reason, it was once again, a top trend at the Content Marketing Institute’s CM World. Rather explain why you need to personalize your messages, we figured we’d give an example of how it worked. Details in […]
What you can learn from Major League Baseball’s marketing problem

As our name would suggest, we’re baseball enthusiasts here. With Phil growing up in New York and me right here in Boston, it’s made for some interesting conversations in the office over the years. However recently, our debates have morphed from who’s team is better to major league baseball’s marketing problem. This article from Sports […]
Power Hitters Episode 4 – Flow Yoga

Beth Manning says that when she first discovered yoga, she found healing in the process. Yoga helped her through a rough patch in her own life, and helped her find inner peace. When she founded Flow Yoga, she hoped to be able to build a space, and a community, for others to find what they […]
Marketing Technology Pros and Cons

No matter what size company you work at, there’s a pretty good chance your job involves interacting with some sort of marketing technology. Some of it can be helpful – in some cases downright essential – to executing a marketing strategy at scale. On the flip side, it’s easy to get lost in the shiny […]