What you can learn from Major League Baseball’s marketing problem

As our name would suggest, we’re baseball enthusiasts here. With Phil growing up in New York and me right here in Boston, it’s made for some interesting conversations in the office over the years. However recently, our debates have morphed from who’s team is better to major league baseball’s marketing problem. This article from Sports […]

Winging It vs. Planning Ahead in Production

For any video shoot, there’s a baseline level of planning that’s necessary to get things done. The who’s, what’s, when’s, where’s, and why’s. You need to know what your main objective is, and when it’s due. But there remains the question of approach on any given shoot. How rigid will we be in executing on […]

Is internal content more important than external content?

We’ve been talking about content marketing on the blog, podcasts, and basically every waking moment of our lives for sometimes. (I mean, it is the business we’re in, so what would you expect?) There is one thing we haven’t quite hit on, however, that is extremely important – internal content. This post might not make […]

YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook – Where you should post your videos.

Where should I post my videos? That’s a question I get asked at least once a week. While my answer is ALWAYS the same, I’ll focus on a conversation I had recently with a local gym owner. CrossFit boxes, and personal training studios are no stranger to creating content on their own. Many owners, trainers, […]

Where in the World Are Your Customers?

With what seems like a new social network launching every day, it’s important to take a step back once in a while and take stock of where people are actually spending their time online. The breakdown below outlines five of the major social networks – Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn – and the active users each of them sees for different time periods.

Are Your Videos Reaching Your Audience?

Man live streaming main stage event at event

By this point, in 2016, most marketers know that they need to create rich media content to engage with their audience in a meaningful way. And most everyone understands that in order to actually get this content seen, it needs to get out on social media.

But that’s just the starting point. The reality is that the social media landscape is flooded with brands just like yours, and they are all trying to get the same people to watch their videos, opt-in to their offers, and buy their products. No longer is it enough to simply have a social media presence for your brand, post content to it, and wait for the people, and the dollars, to appear.