Introducing Our New Series, “Power Hitters”
Incredibly excited to roll out our newest video series, “Power Hitters.” We’ll be talking with business owners, content creators, and marketing experts who are absolutely killing it on social media. For our first episode, we met up with bodybuilder, Stephan Cawley. Stephan started with just a few friends following him on Instagram and but turned […]
Four Tips to Make Your Event Live on Forever
If you’ve ever planned an event, you know what a massive undertaking it can be. From booking speakers, to a/v, to catering, to exhibitors, and beyond – the list of things to coordinate and pay for goes on and on. Putting on an event is a massive investment of time and money, and it’s for […]
The Best Branded Content We’ve Seen
So there is no denying that I am a big fan of Casey Neistat. I’ve mentioned his work in our most recent podcast, and have always enjoyed is storytelling ability. With over a billion views and 6 million subscribers on YouTube, it’s clear to understand why he’s heavily sought after by brands. Neistat has produced plenty […]
YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook – Where you should post your videos.
Where should I post my videos? That’s a question I get asked at least once a week. While my answer is ALWAYS the same, I’ll focus on a conversation I had recently with a local gym owner. CrossFit boxes, and personal training studios are no stranger to creating content on their own. Many owners, trainers, […]
Good Content vs. Lots of Content
I recently had the opportunity to host an event that was all about content automation and the typical fight that ensues between sales and marketing teams. During the conversation, one of the guests brought up a story about how his team was so happy to hear that one of their clients only wanted a small […]
How to Create Digital Touchpoints with Your Content
The other day I was talking with a group of people who were asking the true value of just email marketing. We dug a little deeper into and I mentioned that email alone isn’t really a good option. In fact, email, social media, or any other marketing outlet isn’t a good option on its own. […]
Companies Killing it with Content
We’ve all heard and seen the type of videos and content that brands like Red Bull and Marriot have put together. But here’s the thing, their budgets are so big, they can afford to swing and miss a few times. Smaller companies don’t have that luxury. They have to create lots of memorable content and maximize […]
Stop Waiting and Start Using Snapchat Geofilters Today
When Snapchat first debuted in 2011, you were most likely skeptical of its long-term viability. A disappearing photo app certainly has its uses, but for marketing and advertising? It was easy to dismiss Snapchat as an app for high schoolers, but certainly not for you. It should be abundantly clear to you by now that […]