Create Smarter Podcast – Power of Behind the Scenes and Cinematic Recaps

Create Smarter Podcast – Power of Behind the Scenes and Cinematic Recaps Jake joins the create smarter podcast for his first episode where the boys talk about the power of cinematic recaps! It’s not just a simple behind the scenes, it is an opportunity to bring the viewer behind the curtain and see never […]
How One Small Thing Can Derail Your Day as a Business Owner

One of the hardest things (at least for me) in running a business is the realization that sometimes things go wrong. No matter how much work you put in, or how many boxes you check, or safeguards you put in place, the reality is that things break. When it’s your business that’s impacted by these […]
Turning a webinar into a news show

If you’ve ever logged onto a webinar, I feel your pain. There’s really nothing worse than listening to a voice on a speakerphone talk through 100 slides in a PowerPoint presentation. You’re probably barely paying attention to it while it plays in the background. It’s these reasons why brands are looking to up their game […]
We’ll Do It Live – Behind the Scenes

There’s nothing quite like going live. The pressure of getting everything just right, all of the moving parts, the inevitability of having to fix something on the fly – it’s a thrill that’s hard to describe and hard to match in the production space. We recently had a chance to produce a live show at […]
On the Road and Building a Set – Behind the Scenes

Tyler and I have been spending a lot of time thinking about documenting vs. creating when it comes to your video production machine. We’ll actually have a full video podcast on the topic soon. Basically, we’re exploring the value in showing what you as a human do in the day-to-day to drive your business, your […]