If it can go wrong, it will go wrong.  It sounds pessimistic, but if you work in live TV or broadcasting these are words to live by.  The phrase isn’t used to inspire fear among the ranks; it’s a handy reminder that there are always going to be things beyond your control.  Sometimes the best thing to do is to build a safety net.

Episode 22 of the 5 Tool Productions video podcast is all about the moment when things go wrong – a.k.a. “The Boom.”  Inspired by a keynote address from Juliette Kayyem, Tyler and Phil dive into The Boom – as well as the crucial moments that happen after it.  Juliette’s presentation was about large-scale catastrophes, but the lessons about preparedness are applicable across industries.

So join us as we confront our darkest fear – the moment where everything goes wrong – and talk about how to make it just a little bit less scary.