Giving days are some of the biggest campaigns that we work with our partners to put together throughout the year. If done right, you can have a very successful campaign that is boosted by the content shared throughout your social channels. 5 Tool Productions worked with Tufts University to create a slew of sharable and personalized content for their 2022 Tufts Giving Tuesday.
Tufts Giving Tuesday is how the university plays their part in the nation wide day of philanthropy that highlights different funds around the university.
To highlight these different groups, teams, and organizations, 5 Tool was tasked with creating individual media day like hype videos using different sets and types of filming styles that would be shared on the group’s social pages. Along with these social videos, we created a overall hype video to promote the day itself on Tufts’ socials, an explainer video that went out in emails and was posted on their website, as well as a thank you video that would be sent to all that contributed throughout the day and campaign.
That is a whopping total of 19 deliverables!
We were able to take over a multipurpose room on Tufts’ campus and turn it into a media day filming zone for various clubs, organizations, and athletics teams around the Tufts community. Students were able to come in and run the gauntlet of their very own personal media day shoot that highlighted their group and it’s members.
On Tufts Giving Tuesday itself, a small team from 5 Tool was on Tufts’ campus promoting the giving day and getting the student body involved. Using the 360 camera in a high traffic area, Tyler and Connor played street team as they flagged down students to use the 360 booth while holding and wearing Tufts Giving Tuesday branded signs and swag. These students were able to instantly download and share their 360 video to raise awareness about the giving day by using the hashtag #tuftsgivingtuesday in their post.
The turnout was great and the team was able to capture 38 videos with the 360 booth and get people talking about it all over campus. Some faculty and even the president himself jumped on to join in the fun!
The 360 booth is a fun and interactive way to grab people’s attention and get them involved while educating them about the giving day and raising awareness about their favorite team or organization on campus.
Tufts Giving Tuesday was a very fun project to work on for the whole team, and is a good example of how tapping into your student body (or any audience) can help boost your giving day awareness and results. By utilizing the pre-existing audience’s of Tufts’ clubs, athletic teams, and organizations and having the individual groups post on their social media, the word spreads much faster than if solely shared on university pages only. In this case, we saw that the students acted as influencers and helped raise awareness to fellow students and members of the greater Tufts community that may have not been aware if the message was shared through an email or newsletter alone.
At the end of the day, Tufts was able to raise $3,941,170 from 8,355 donors! All in all, Tufts Giving Tuesday was a very successful campaign with a great collection of content to go with it!