Need to Know Webisodes

Utilizing different filming locations

At Compass HQ

  • Streaming from Compass HQ in New Hampshire presented several advantages. Firstly, it significantly reduced the time commitment for Compass employees. Participants could easily step out of their offices and directly onto the set, located conveniently in the Compass conference room. Once the webisode concluded, they could promptly return to their regular work, minimizing disruption to their schedules.
  • Additionally, the office environment, thanks to the efforts of 95 Creative, was well-branded with Compass’s logo and colors. This natural background ensured a consistent theme without requiring extra setup work, enhancing the visual appeal of the webisode. The proximity of internal subject matter experts (SMEs) facilitated greater variety in the content. Since the SMEs were already at the office, they could participate more readily, allowing for the creation of a larger amount of content, including different styles and formats following the webisode.
  • Streaming from Compass HQ came with its drawbacks. The cost could be significantly higher due to the need for a production team to be on-site, including travel expenses.
  • Furthermore, it was challenging for SMEs to get into the correct headspace, as other workplace needs such as emails, colleague interactions, and emerging issues could distract them, making it difficult to be fully focused on content creation.

At 5 Tool Productions Studio

  • Producing the webisode at the 5 Tool Productions Studio offered a controlled environment with several benefits. Studio-quality lighting and background significantly enhanced the visual quality of the webisode. Advanced technology assisted production, providing a better presenter experience through producer earpiece communication, camera tally lights, and broadcast-style reference monitors, among other features.
  • This setting enabled full immersion for SMEs, as the dedicated studio space made it harder for them to be interrupted by external distractions. Moreover, the setup allowed for additional SMEs to join the show remotely, increasing the diversity of expertise available for the webisode.
  • In-studio production posed certain challenges. It involved a bigger disruption for individuals, primarily due to the added commuting time. For those unfamiliar with the studio environment, the experience could be overwhelming, especially during their first appearance.

Completely Virtual Sessions

  • Virtual webisodes required minimal time commitment from presenters, typically needing them to join the show only 15 minutes before the start. This format was less intimidating than a studio setting, and with good internet speeds, it was possible to achieve a relatively studio-like camera shot with minimal investment. The virtual setup provided more flexibility for SMEs to join the show and interact with the host from different locations.
  • Virtual sessions required a more structured approach to ensure a smooth audience experience. This often demanded more prep work from producers and the host. Communication between the host and producers was limited compared to the other formats, making real-time adjustments challenging. Troubleshooting technical issues was also more complex, as it depended on the specific setup and internet connection at each presenter’s location.


Each format of the Compass Retirement Webisode series—at Compass HQ, at the 5 Tool Productions Studio, and virtual sessions—offered unique benefits and faced distinct challenges. The choice of format depended on the specific needs and constraints of the content being produced, the availability of SMEs, and the desired production quality. By leveraging these different approaches, Compass was able to effectively engage their audience and deliver valuable content, showcasing their adaptability and commitment to high-quality communication.

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